DISK ALERT - Expect ScriptHi All, here's I have bring a expect script, that this we can Run command on Remote Linux Servers, copy file using SSHSo here it is:
[root@virtual-vm ~]# yum install expect (if expect package is not installed)
[root@virtual-vm ~]# vi /opt/scripts/diskspace-alerts.expDISK ALERT - Expect Script
/opt/scripts/iplist: contains IP address of servers, on which you may want to run the commands
Set this in Cron:
expect /opt/scripts/diskspace-alerts.exp | egrep -v 'spwan|cube|ssh' > /tmp/diskspace-alert.txt ; /usr/sbin/postsuper -d ALL; /etc/init.d/postfix start; mail -s "Disk space alert - IBNLive.com" delhi.manish@gmail.com < /tmp/diskspace-alert.txt ; sleep 10; /etc/init.d/postfix stop
Use your own choice of Mail Server
[root@virtual-vm ~]# yum install expect (if expect package is not installed)
[root@virtual-vm ~]# vi /opt/scripts/diskspace-alerts.expDISK ALERT - Expect Script
set logfile [open /opt/scripts/iplist]
set ipaddrs [read $logfile]
foreach line [split $ipaddrs \n] {
set timeout -1
spawn ssh cube@$line /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | /bin/grep 'inet addr' | /bin/awk '{print \$2}' | /bin/cut -d: -f2
set pass "ssh-password"
set ya "yes"
expect {
password: {send "$pass\r"; exp_continue}
connecting {send "$ya\r"; exp_continue}
spawn ssh cube@$line /bin/df -hlP | sed G
set pass "ssh-passowrd"
expect {
password: {send "$pass\r"; exp_continue}
/opt/scripts/iplist: contains IP address of servers, on which you may want to run the commands
Set this in Cron:
expect /opt/scripts/diskspace-alerts.exp | egrep -v 'spwan|cube|ssh' > /tmp/diskspace-alert.txt ; /usr/sbin/postsuper -d ALL; /etc/init.d/postfix start; mail -s "Disk space alert - IBNLive.com" delhi.manish@gmail.com < /tmp/diskspace-alert.txt ; sleep 10; /etc/init.d/postfix stop
Use your own choice of Mail Server
Still remember major reason why we have explore the expect command & how we have customized it...