
Both InnoDB and PostgreSQL - as well as many other databases - use a technique called multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) to provide transaction isolation: transactions should not see the work of other, uncommitted transactions. MVCC means that, when a row is updated, the database stores both the old and new versions of the row.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

PostgreSql Server Migration Using PITR

Migrate PostgreSQL Server to New Server With Minimal Downtime using PITR (Point In Time Recovery)

Source Server

mkdir /archive; chown postgres.postgres /archive;
vi /usr/local/postgres/data/postgresql.conf
Add the following lines:
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp -i %p /archive%f'

Reload Postgres process
Now goto Psql command mode and run this query statemenet:
postgres=# SELECT pg_start_backup('backup');
postgres=# \q

Now copy the Source Server's /usr/local/postgres/data/ contents to destincation server

rsync --progress -azv --delete /usr/local/postgres/data/ root@:/usr/local/postgres/data/

Now stop Source server postgresql's backup mode;
postgres=# SELECT pg_stop_backup();
postgres=# \q

Destination server

Now on the Destination Server, create the directory, /archive
mkdir /archive; sudo chown postgres.postgres /archive;
vi /usr/local/postgres/data/postgresql.conf

Paste the following line into the newly created file:
restore_command = '/usr/local/postgres/bin/pg_standby -l -d -s 2 -t /tmp/pgsql.trigger /archive %f %p %r 2>>standby.log'

Now sync the /archive directories across, either from the Source server or Destination server
rsync --progress -azv --delete root@:/archive /archive

Now whenever want to switch to new server, just re-sync the /archive  and create a trigger file, to start the Postgresql Server in Normal Mode

rsync --progress -azv --delete root@:/archive /archive
su -c 'touch /tmp/pgsql.trigger' postgres

And that;s all, Your New server will be ready as Live DB Server to the point that you created the Trigger File.

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